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On the Thailand-Malaysia Border, Food Defies Nations
The governments of Thailand and Malaysia proudly promote national cuisines, but people along the border cook dishes that elude tidy patriotism, part of a larger struggle to maintain their identities

10 Food-Filled Beach Reads for Your Summer Vacation
Casey McQuiston’s newest romance, a polyamorous romp through the mixology world, a pastry-filled Parisian memoir, and more have us excited for summer reading
What’s the Best Quick Lasagna Hack, According to the ‘Garfield’ Cookbook?
We tested three recipes from Garfield... Recipes with Cattitude! to find out
The Restaurant World Still Has a Child Care Problem
While some organizations have made strides to provide child care for restaurant staff, easy child care solutions are far from the norm for restaurant workers

What Does It Take to Actually Cook Like a Tradwife?
Get in, losers, we’re going to make some mozzarella

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Restaurant Groups Are the New Chains
When one business owns and operates multiple restaurants in a single market, who’s to say that’s not a chain?

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Chains Gone Glam
How a bunch of well-connected Hollywood types linked up to make the ultimate Chain

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Salad Size Me
Will eating nothing but Sweetgreen for two weeks make you somehow… better? One writer’s mission to find out.

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Where to Eat in 2024
Where to find the best food around the world in 2024

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